80-Year's Recollections of Chenchong Lin-------------------Published in 2007
The path that the author traveled in his 80-Year's life can sum up as two remembrances----Democratic Movements in Taiwan and Confession of Religious Faith
Contents: Preface,

序文(Preface)台灣人民的形成(Formation of Taiwanese People)
第一期 日本統治時期1927-1945(18年間)
Part One──Period of Japanese Colonial Rule (1927-1945)(For 18 Years)
Place and Childhood)
嘉義中學時代(Ka-Gi Middle School Years)(1941 – 1945)二戰終戰前後的台灣(Status of Taiwan Shortly Before and After WWII)
第二期 國民政府時期1945–1977(32年間)
of Nationalist Governmental Rule (1945 – 1977) (For 32 Years)
Administration Governmental Office) (1945)台北高級中學(舊台北高等學校)(Taipei High School Years) (1946)
二二八事件(2/28 Event) (1947)
台灣大學化工系(Chemical Engineering Department Years at NTU)(1947-1951)
中國國民政府遷台(Nationalist’s Government Moved to Taiwan) (1949)
白色恐怖(White Terror) (1949-1987)
赴日進修碩士學位(MS Degree in Japan) (1955-1958)
與蔡雅雪結婚(Our Wedding Day) (1958)
聯合國原子能委員會獎金赴日進修原子能(UN Atomic Energy Agent Fellowship) (1959-1960)
海外民主運動先驅(Overseas Taiwanese Activists for Democracy in Taiwan) (1950s, 1960s)
雷震案(Lei-chin’s Opposition Against Nationalist Dictatorship) (1960)
島內民主運動前鋒(Inland Pioneers for Democracy in Taiwan) (1960s)
外省籍民主運動菁英(Other-Province-Born Activists for Democracy in Taiwan)
彭明敏政治庇護瑞典(Prof. Pong Men-bin Escaped to
赴西德攻讀博士學位(Doctorate Years at Munich Technical University, West Germany) (1964-1965)
懷念父親(In Remembrance of Father)
台灣大學化工系副教授(Associated Professorship at NTU) (1966)
鴻博基金會獎金重返德國(Humboldt Siftung Fellowship in Germany) (1967)
夫婦環繞世界一週(Tour Around the World) (1967-1968)
台大化工系教授兼系主任(Professorship of Chemical Engineering Department, NTU) (1968-1982)
黃文雄、鄭自才刺蔣事件(Assassination attempt on Chiang Chin-kuo)(1970)
聯合國排中華民國納中華人民共和國(UN Membership for PROC in Place of ROC) (1971)
台灣基督教長老教會「國是宣言」(Public Statement of Our National Fate by TPC)(1971)
台灣基督徒自決運動(Taiwanese Christians for Self-Determination) (1972)及台灣人自決運動(Taiwanese People for Self-Determination) (1973)
我們的呼籲(Our Appeal and Proposal by TPC) (1975)
中壢事件(Chong-li Event) (1977)
人權宣言(Human Right Declaration by TPC) (1978)
美國與中國建交(Diplomatic Relationship between USA and China)(1978)
台灣關係法(Taiwan Relation Act) (1978)
蔣經國時代(Period of President Chiang Chin-kuo) (1978-1988)
美麗島(高雄)事件(Formosa Magazine Event) (1979)
台灣建國聯合陣線(Coalition of Taiwan Independence’s) (1979)
林義雄宅大慘案(Slaughter of Lin Yi-shion’s Family) (1980)
陳文成命案(Prof. Chen Wien-chen Murdered) (1981)
FAPA成立(Formation of FAPA) (1982)
記者Henry劉被暗殺(Journalist Henry Liu Murdered) (1984)
台灣民主進步黨成立(Formation of Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party) (1986)
鄭南榕引火自焚(Self-burning Suicide of Cheng Nan-jong) (1989)
李登輝時代(Period of President Li Ten-hui) (1988-2000)
台北中崙教會沿革史(Chong-Lun Presbyterian Church) (1963-present)
第三期 移民美國時期1977-2007年(30年間)
Part Three — Perod of USA’s Years (1977 – 2007) (For 30 years)
移民美國的第一站─西雅圖(Immigration First Stop-Seattle) (1977)
西雅圖台語教會(Seattle Taiwanese Church)
Louisiana State University客座教授一年(Visiting Professorship at LSU) (1979)
駛車橫貫美洲大陸( Drive Across North American Continent) (1980)
任NJIT教授(Professorship at NJIT) (1982-1988)
母親安息於洛杉磯(Mother Passed Away in Los Angels) (1983)
紐約新城歸正教會(Reformed Church of Newtown)
新澤西台語歸正教會及牧歌達歸正教會(Fair Lawn Community Church and Bogart Memorial Reformed Church)
Dr. Tsai Ai-yi’s 90th Birthday Celebration) (1992)
New York Region-Overseas Taiwanese Pen Club)
加州萬縣台美基督長老教會與台加恩典基督團契 ( Presbyterian Church of Ventura
County and Taical Grace Christian Fellowship)
國立交通大學任教(Professorship at National Chiao-tun
University) (1988-1997)
of China)
Academic Honors)
桃李滿天下(Former Students Spread Over
the World)
Lands Journey) (1996)
保羅傳道路線探訪記(Paul’s Missionary Routes
Tour) (2001)
9/11恐怖事件(9/11 Terrorists Attack) (2001)
of President Chen Shui-bian) (2000-2008)
for Taiwan) (2007)
美、日、中、台關係下的台灣未來(Taiwan’s Future under Competitive Influence
of USA, Japan and China)
and Science)
宗教哲學─科學神學 (Religious Philosophy─Scientific Theology)
in Childhood (Japanese Period)
Life of Youth (Japanese Period)
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