Friday, February 6, 2009

Science and Religion

Science and Religion----------Published in 2000

There are two locations---science and religion---in which the knowledge of God might expect to be clear most. By my experience, if rationality and intellectuality are generously and adequately constructed, then science and religion will be seen as partners in a common quest for understanding of God.

The relationship between science and religion will be concluded by following words;

"Religion without science is blind. Science without religion is lame." --Albert Einstein

Note: Einstein might be a theist, but not a Christian.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Modern Philosophy of Human Life

Modern Philosophy of Human Life--------------------------------Published in 2002
A Journey Toward Modern Science, philosophy, Theology and Religion.
The great thinkers in the world were Plato (427-347 BC), Jesus (4 BC-30 AD), Calvin(1509-1564 AD) and Einstein (1876-1955 AD), etc. Among them, the greatest was Jesus.
Turn to Jesus, who said," I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)
What is the purpose of life? What is the hope of life?
You may find the truth in Jesus. He is Christ!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Modern Interpretation of the Bible

Modern Interpretation of the Bible--------------------------------------published in 2005

Content: Chapter 1 Overview of Christianity, Chapter 2 Christian View of Universe, Chapter 3 Christian View of God, Chapter 4 Christian View of Humanity, Chapter 5 Christology, Chapter 6 Eschatology, Chapter 7 Christian Worship and Ethics.

The purpose of this book is to describe the relationship between scientific and theological methods in an apologetic exercise for modern people.

"I believe in order that I may understand." ---------Augustine (354-430 AD); "I understand in order that I may believe." ----------- Scientists' Theology

In my opinion, both approaches are correct because to believe is to think, and vice versa. Nevertheless, the former is ancient method and the latter is modern method.

80-Year's Recollections of Chenchong Lin

80-Year's Recollections of Chenchong Lin-------------------Published in 2007
The path that the author traveled in his 80-Year's life can sum up as two remembrances----Democratic Movements in Taiwan and Confession of Religious Faith
Contents: Preface,Text Color Formation of Taiwanese People, Part One---Period of Japanese Colonial Rule (1927-1945), Part Two---Period of Nationalist Governmental Rule (1945-1977), Part Three---Period of USA's Years (1977-2007); Religious Philosophy, Pictures, Appendix.


台灣人民的形成(Formation of Taiwanese People)
第一期     日本統治時期1927-1945(18年間)
Part One──Period of Japanese Colonial Rule (1927-1945)(For 18 Years)
幼少年回憶(Birth Place and Childhood)
嘉義中學時代(Ka-Gi Middle School Years)(1941 – 1945)
戰終戰前後的台灣(Status of Taiwan Shortly Before and After WWII)

第二期 國民政府時期1945–1977(32年間)
Part Two
──Period of Nationalist Governmental Rule (1945 – 1977) (For 32 Years)

台灣行政長官公署(Taiwan Administration Governmental Office) (1945)
台北高級中學(舊台北高等學校)(Taipei High School Years) (1946)
二二八事件(2/28 Event) (1947)
台灣大學化工系(Chemical Engineering Department Years at NTU)(1947-1951)
中國國民政府遷台(Nationalist’s Government Moved to Taiwan) (1949)
白色恐怖(White Terror) (1949-1987)
赴日進修碩士學位(MS Degree in Japan) (1955-1958)
與蔡雅雪結婚(Our Wedding Day) (1958)
聯合國原子能委員會獎金赴日進修原子能(UN Atomic Energy Agent Fellowship) (1959-1960)
海外民主運動先驅(Overseas Taiwanese Activists for Democracy in Taiwan) (1950s, 1960s)
雷震案(Lei-chin’s Opposition Against Nationalist Dictatorship) (1960)
島內民主運動前鋒(Inland Pioneers for Democracy in Taiwan) (1960s)
外省籍民主運動菁英(Other-Province-Born Activists for Democracy in Taiwan)
彭明敏政治庇護瑞典(Prof. Pong Men-bin Escaped to Switzerland for Political Asylum) (1964)
赴西德攻讀博士學位(Doctorate Years at Munich Technical University, West Germany) (1964-1965)
懷念父親(In Remembrance of Father)
台灣大學化工系副教授(Associated Professorship at NTU) (1966)
鴻博基金會獎金重返德國(Humboldt Siftung Fellowship in Germany) (1967)
夫婦環繞世界一週(Tour Around the World) (1967-1968)
台大化工系教授兼系主任(Professorship of Chemical Engineering Department, NTU) (1968-1982)
黃文雄、鄭自才刺蔣事件(Assassination attempt on Chiang Chin-kuo)(1970)
聯合國中華民國納中華人民共和國(UN Membership for PROC in Place of ROC) (1971)
台灣基督教長老教會「國是宣言」(Public Statement of Our National Fate by TPC)(1971)
台灣基督徒自決運動(Taiwanese Christians for Self-Determination) (1972)及台灣人自決運動(Taiwanese People for Self-Determination) (1973)
我們的呼籲(Our Appeal and Proposal by TPC) (1975)
中壢事件(Chong-li Event) (1977)
人權宣言(Human Right Declaration by TPC) (1978)
美國與中國建交(Diplomatic Relationship between USA and China)(1978)
台灣關係法(Taiwan Relation Act) (1978)
蔣經國時代(Period of President Chiang Chin-kuo) (1978-1988)
美麗島(高雄)事件(Formosa Magazine Event) (1979)
台灣建國聯合陣線(Coalition of Taiwan Independence’s) (1979)
義雄宅大慘案(Slaughter of Lin Yi-shion’s Family) (1980)
陳文成命案(Prof. Chen Wien-chen Murdered) (1981)
FAPA成立(Formation of FAPA) (1982)
記者Henry劉被暗殺(Journalist Henry Liu Murdered) (1984)
台灣民主進步黨成立(Formation of Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party) (1986)
鄭南榕引火自焚(Self-burning Suicide of Cheng Nan-jong) (1989)
李登輝時代(Period of President Li Ten-hui) (1988-2000)
台北中崙教會沿革史(Chong-Lun Presbyterian Church) (1963-present)
第三期 移民美國時期1977-2007(30年間)
Part Three — Perod of USA’s Years (1977 – 2007) (For 30 years)
移民美國的第一站西雅圖(Immigration First StopSeattle) (1977)
西雅圖台語教會(Seattle Taiwanese Church)
Louisiana State University客座教授一年(Visiting Professorship at LSU) (1979)
駛車橫貫美洲大陸( Drive Across North American Continent) (1980)
NJIT教授(Professorship at NJIT) (1982-1988)
母親安息於洛杉磯(Mother Passed Away in Los Angels) (1983)
紐約新城歸正(Reformed Church of Newtown)
新澤西台語歸正教會及牧歌達歸正教會(Fair Lawn Community Church and Bogart Memorial Reformed Church)
岳父蔡愛義90大壽(Father-in-law Dr. Tsai Ai-yi’s 90th Birthday Celebration) (1992)
大紐約區海外台灣人筆會(Greater New York Region-Overseas Taiwanese Pen Club)
加州萬縣台美基督長老教會與台加恩典基督團契 ( Presbyterian Church of Ventura County and Taical Grace Christian Fellowship)
國立交通大學任教(Professorship at National Chiao-tun University) (1988-1997)
中國遊記(Traveling of China)
退休(Retirement) (1997)
國際學術名譽(International Academic Honors)
桃李滿天下(Former Students Spread Over the World)
聖地巡禮記(Holy Lands Journey) (1996)
保羅傳道路線探訪(Paul’s Missionary Routes Tour) (2001)
9/11恐怖事件(9/11 Terrorists Attack) (2001)
陳水扁時代(Period of President Chen Shui-bian) (2000-2008)
台灣名義加入聯合國(UN for Taiwan) (2007)
美、日、中、台關係下的台灣未來(Taiwan’s Future under Competitive Influence of USA, Japan and China)
宗教與科學(Religion and Science)
宗教哲學科學神學 (Religious PhilosophyScientific Theology)
幼年回憶(日治時代)Home in Childhood (Japanese Period)
少年回憶(日治時代)Family Life of Youth (Japanese Period)

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Rationality of Christian Doctrines

The Rationality of Christian Doctrines ------ published in 2009. Please click.

About the Author
Articles in "Finding Truth in Questions"
Chapter 1 Christian Belief in the Age of Science
Chapter 2 Christian Worldview of Modern Time
Chapter 3 Christian Conception of God
Chapter 4 Christian Conception of Humanity
Chapter 5 Contemporary Christology
Chapter 6 Eternal-Now Eschatology
Chapter 7 Christian Worship, Ethics and Life
Appendix A Scientific Formation Methodology
Appendix B Equilibrium Rule
Appendix C Theory of Relativity
Appendix D Quantum Theory
Appendix E Big Bang Theory
Appendix F Structure and Organism of DNA
References and Suggested Readings

The Author's Message

My new book "Rationality of Christian Doctrines" (in English) is published in the U.S. by Xulonpress (2009)(Photo Above)
A lecture: "Democratic Ideology and Religious Faith of Politicians" given at OTPC, Aug.17,2008.
(Photo Left)
A lecture: "The Credibility of Jesus' Resurrection "will be given at OTPC on March 22,2009
The author's memo: "Keep thinking and writing! The real thought and work begin after your last book is published. Even you don't go on to sell millions of copies, yet you feel good about encouraging and changing even one person in finding out the truth through one of your publications."